Monday, January 31, 2011

Not Only Who We Are, But Who We Were

I don't know much about this church, but I love what I see in this video.  Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from John Newton, author of the hymn Amazing Grace:
"Though I am not what I ought to be, nor what I wish to be, nor what I hope to be, I can truly say, I am not what I once was; a slave to sin and Satan; and I can heartily join with the apostle, and acknowledge, `By the grace of God I am what I am.'"

(HT: Trevin Wax)

A Word for Preachers

"The next generation, every generation really, needs to hear the gospel with personal, passionate pleading.  There is a time for dialogue, but there is also a time for declaration.  People don't need a lecture or an oration or a discussion from the pulpit on Sunday morning.  They need to hear of the mighty deeds of God.  And they need to hear the message from someone who not only understands it but has been captured by it."

Kevin DeYoung

Friday, January 28, 2011

Fool With A Fancy Guitar

I've talked before on a number of occasions about Andrew Peterson and how much I enjoy his music.  While I enjoy the musical content of his songs, what I truly love about them is the rich depth of poetry and meaning in his lyrics.

I think I enjoy listening to Peterson's Counting Stars more than any other album.  Among the many songs that I love on it, my favorite is probably his ode to marriage, Dancing In the Minefields.  Not far behind it though is Fool With A Fancy Guitar, which beautifully explores our identity in Christ Jesus.  Here is a video of an acoustic presentation of this great song (with lyrics below).

Words and Music by Andrew Peterson

It’s so easy to cash in these chips on my shoulder
So easy to loose this old tongue like a tiger
It’s easy to let all this bitterness smolder
Just to hide it away like a cigarette lighter

It’s easy to curse and to hurt and to hinder
It’s easy to not have the heart to remember
That I am a priest and a prince in the Kingdom of God

I’ve got voices that scream in my head like a siren
Fears that I feel in the night when I sleep
Stupid choices I made when I played in the mire
Like a kid in the mud on some dirty blind street

I’ve got sorrow to spare, I’ve got loneliness too
I’ve got blood on these hands that hold on to the truth
That I am a priest and a prince in the Kindgom of God

I swore on the Bible to not tell a lie
But I’ve lied and lied
And I crossed my heart and I hoped to die
And I’ve died and died

But if it’s true that you gathered my sin in your hand
And you cast it as far as the east from the west
If it’s true that you put on the flesh of a man
And you walked in my shoes through the shadow of death

If it’s true that you dwell in the halls of my heart
Then I’m not just a fool with a fancy guitar
No, I am a priest and a prince in the Kingdom of God

You Don't ALWAYS Have To Correct Them

I am person who holds very strongly to certain convictions (especially those of a theological nature).  Beyond this, I have always been of such a personality that I truly enjoy a good debate.  If you are anything like me, then Michael Patton has some really good advice for us both.

In this blog post, he wisely points out that there is no biblical mandate to ALWAYS correct people when they are wrong.  Sometimes we are far better off to let others' theological errors go uncontested (at the very least for the time being) and simply listen to what they have to say.
Isn’t this the apologist’s mandate? Be ready . . . to give an answer . . . to everyone . . . who asks you. . . with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). Many of us lack the gentleness and respect part, but I am beginning to think that what we lack even more is the waiting for someone to ask!
Ninety-five percent of the time, people don’t really care what you have to say. It is during this time that we sit, listen, and love the person. If we do, then the five percent of the time that opportunity is truly present, we will be ready.
This is why I tell young theologians who are so passionate about theology to be passionate, yet calm down. Let about ninety-five percent of what you hear roll off your back.
Is it any coincidence that on the same day that I am preparing a Sunday school lesson on Jesus' words from Matthew 5:7, ("Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy."), I came across this blog entry? Perhaps the Lord is trying to teach me something.

Friday Fun...How Golfers Work Out

Who says golfers aren't real athletes?  Pro golfer Ben Crane offers this video as evidence to the contrary...

(HT: Vitamin Z)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Reformed Health and Wealth Gospel

Don't Call It a Comeback: The Old Faith for a New Day (Gospel Coalition the Gospel Coalition)The second chapter of Don't Call It a Comeback is by Collin Hansen and is entitled The Story of Evangelicalism from the Beginning and Before.  It is a sweeping overview of the history of evangelicalism, alerting the reader to the key figures, dates and movements that have formed much of the foundation of today's evangelical church.

In this chapter, Hansen points out that in the last century, "Pentacostals have outpaced the growth of all other expressions of evangelicalism."  While not disparaging Pentacostalism as a whole, he goes on to point out, "Unfortunately, the Pentacostal impulse is all too often accompanied by an appeal to God to grant health and wealth in return for faith."

This statement prompted a series of thoughts in my mind.  Indeed, far too often Christians (and not just Pentacostals either) want to make this kind of bargain with God: "health and wealth" in exchange for "our faith." For most solidly Reformed theologians, this kind of deal is anathema.  I would argue though, that not only is God okay with that bargain, it is exactly what he wants.

Now before you pull together a committee to revoke my Reformed credentials, hear me out.  There is a key (and far too often misunderstood) truth that needs to be taken into account in order to grasp what I am saying here.  Namely, this is that "our faith" is not really "our faith" at all.  It is a gift from God.  As Paul writes in Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

You see, our faith is not something we give God, but rather something he gives to us.  In order for there to be an exchange then, it is not God who gives us health and wealth, but rather we who give it to him, not as a bill to be paid, but as a joyful expression of thanks for what he has so graciously done for us.  All of our physical well-being, all of our finances, all of everything we have really, ought to be laid at the feet of the Lord.  This is the only kind of "health and wealth gospel" of which the Bible truly speaks. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Don't Call It a Comeback

Don't Call It a Comeback: The Old Faith for a New Day (Gospel Coalition the Gospel Coalition)I recently got my long-awaited copy of Don't Call It a Comeback: The Old Faith for a New Day.  It is published by Crossway Books as part of the Gospel Coalition Series, and includes eighteen chapters by different authors representing a young generation of Christian pastors, theologians and writers.  The stated purpose of the book is "to assert the stability, relevance, and necessity of Christian orthodoxy today," while introducing "young, new, and under-discipled Christians to the most essential and basic issues of faith in general and of evangelicalism in particular."

As I work through the book I'll share some of the highlights here.  Project editor, Kevin DeYoung writes the first chapter in which he shares what he sees as "the secret" to reaching the next generation with the gospel.  He makes many good points, among which are,
Reaching the next generation -- whether they are outside the church or sitting there bored in your church -- is easier and harder than you think. It's easier because you don't have to get a degree in postmodern literary theory or go to a bunch of stupid movies. You don't have to say "sweet" or "bling" or know what LOL or IMHO means. You don't have to listen to...well, whatever people listen to these days. You don't have to be on Twitter, watch The Office, or imbibe fancy coffees. You just have to be like Jesus. That's it. So the easy part is you don't have to be with it. The hard part is you have to be with him. If you walk with God and walk with people, you'll reach the next generation.
He goes on to assert,
You can have formal services, so long as you don't have formalism. You can have casual services, so long as you do not approach your faith casually...Our sincerity and earnestness in worship matters ten times more than the style we use to display our sincerity and earnestness.
After a great first chapter, I look forward to reading the rest of the book and sharing some of its best insights with you.

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

In 1968, Robert Kennedy quoted these words in the speech he gave in which he announced to an Indianapolis crowd the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.  I posted it as my facebook status last Monday, and have had it rattling around in my mind ever since, so I figured I'd post it here as well.

"Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Don't Say it Wrong. Or is it Wrongly?

I thought this was pretty funny and worth sharing, although (ironically) he makes a couple of grammatical mistakes...

Sing Unto the Lord a New Song - In Christ Alone

I have heard it said that each age of revival in the church has been accompanied by a renewed fervor for writing new hymns.  If indeed this is the case, then I am encouraged by and quite thankful for the likes of Keith and Kristyn Getty.

Many of you are familiar with them, or at least with their music.  Others, who attend churches which exclusively use more traditional hymns, might not have been so blessed.  For the edification of us all, I share this video of the beautiful hymn In Christ Alone with its lyrics printed below.

"In Christ Alone"

Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend
Copyright © 2001 Kingsway Thankyou Music

In Christ alone my hope is found;
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all—
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone, Who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied;
For ev'ry sin on Him was laid—
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow'r of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.

(HT: Trevin Wax)

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Word for Preachers

"The preacher is not merely asking a congregation to discuss a situation, and consider a proposition, or give attention to a theory,  We are out to storm the citadel of the will, and capture it for Jesus Christ."

Campbell Morgan

Friday, January 21, 2011

Christianity: Conservative or Socialistic?

I read an interesting op-ed piece  today which deals with the question of whether the Bible calls Christians to be politically conservative or politically liberal.  In it Dr. Brian Lee says the answer is clearly, "Neither."
Those looking to dig into the Bible and find a political platform are going to be sorely disappointed. It’s not there. That is for the simple reason that it is not a book about politics, but about God, and how He is saving His people through Jesus Christ. This distinguishes Christianity from Old Testament Judaism and modern day Islam, both of which contain detailed political agendas. Well-meaning Christians that want to outline a detailed “Christian” agenda of their own, however, will simply not find one.
He goes on to point out that as Christians, we are members of of two kingdoms, as citizens both of heaven (Philippians 3:20) and of the state.
But where Christians go wrong is when they confuse the two kingdoms in which they live, when they think that their politics can bring about the heavenly kingdom they so long for. When they think they are called to take up the weapons of politics and its powers of coercion to advance the gospel or their biblical vision of justice — it stinks to win 49% of the votes. This is one of the oldest and most persistent errors of Christian practice, from Constantine to the Crusades to the Moral Majority. Biblical religion cannot be imposed on a minority and remain biblical.
Ironically, our Pilgrim fathers made just this mistake when they came to America. Fleeing their own religious persecution, they set up another. The 1647 Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts identified 15 capital offenses, including idolatry, blasphemy, and atheism, along with a predictable litany of sexual offenses. Now that’s conservative. Unfortunately, it’s also not the foundation of a just and pluralistic society.
You can click here to read the entire article and I'd love to hear your thoughts about it.

Friday Fun...Mr. Bean Goes to the Pool

Old friend Mr. Bean visits the swimming pool...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

God in Goal?

I've written before about my views on God's involvement in sports.  In a somewhat less serious (almost comical) look at things, it certainly appears that God is rooting for the green-clad team in the video below.

(HT: Challies)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

God Didn't Create a Mistake

Good words from Tony Evans...

(HT: Vitamin Z)

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

"The man who has faith is the man who is no longer looking at himself, and no longer looking to himself. He no longer looks at anything he once was. He does not look at what he is now. He does not look at what he hopes to be as the result of his own efforts. He looks entirely to the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work, and he rests on that alone.

"He has ceased to say, 'Yes, I have committed terrible sins but I have done this and that.' He stops saying that. If he goes on saying that, he has not got faith.

"Faith speaks in an entirely different manner and makes a man say, 'Yes, I have sinned grievously, I have lived a life of sin, yet I know that I am a child of God because I am not resting on any righteousness of my own; my righteousness is in Jesus Christ, and God has put that to my account.'"

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Unfaithful People of a Faithful God

One of my favorite churches, The Crossing in Columbia, Missouri, put together the following  video which serves to remind us of two things:
1) Whatever self-generated righteousness with which we try to clothe ourselves is really nothing but a polluted garment in the eyes of God (Isaiah 64:6).
2) Nevertheless, even in the midst of our faithlessness, God is still faithful to those who find their identity and righteousness in Him (2 Timothy 2:13).
    As I've highlighted before (both here and here) and as my friends at The Crossing point out here, the Bible is neither a book of rules nor a book of heroes, but rather it is the story of Jesus as the one true hero.
    Only Jesus’ faithful life and death for our sin and resurrection to guarantee the full redemption and restoration of humanity and the earth IS the point.
    Our salvation is God’s doing from first to last through Christ and his Holy Spirit.
    Watch the video below, and if you'd like, click here to listen to a recent sermon on the topic by The Crossing's pastor, Dave Cover.  And may we all be like the man who cried out to Jesus in Mark 9:24, "I believe!  Help my unbelief!"

    Revelation of Humanity from The Crossing on Vimeo.

    Monday, January 17, 2011

    Walking and Texting Don't Always Mix

    Since I owe you a Friday's Fun for last week...

    I hope we all know not to drive while texting. Apparently, that's not the only combo we should avoid.

    (HT: Vitamin Z)

    A Word for Preachers

    "Preaching is not the business of speculating about God's nature, will, or ways, but is bearing witness to what God has said concerning Himself. Preaching does not consist of speculation but of exposition. The preacher dares to speak the Word of truth to a generation that rejects the very notion of objective, public truth. This is not rooted in the preacher's arrogant claim to have discovered worldly wisdom or to have penetrated the secrets of the universe. To the contrary, the preacher dares to proclaim truth on the basis of God's sovereign self-disclosure. God has spoken, and He has commanded us to speak of Him."
    Al Mohler

    Letter from a Birmingham Jail

    On November 2, 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill creating a federal holiday to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day today, consider reading his Letter from a Birmingham Jail, even if you think it is a little long, as Dr. King conceded:
    Never before have I written so long a letter. I'm afraid it is much too long to take your precious time. I can assure you that it would have been much shorter if I had been writing from a comfortable desk, but what else can one do when he is alone in a narrow jail cell, other than write long letters, think long thoughts and pray long prayers?

    And while we're at it, Dr. King's I Have A Dream speech remains well worth listening to in its entirety as well:

    Sunday, January 16, 2011

    J. Gresham Machen Conference

    This past week, Westminster Seminary in California held their annual conference.  The theme was "Christianity and Liberalism Revisited" and it focussed on the work of J. Gresham Machen and its relevance for the church today.  Among the speakers were Michael Horton, Robert Godfrey, and the faculty of Westminster.

    In addition to streaming video live as the conference was taking place, Westminster has made audio of the messages available for download online.  I look forward to listening to many of the fifteen sessions available.

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    The Cross and the Jukebox

    "I think lyrical music can often get to the bone of what's really going on in hearts, minds, and culture than abstract discourse can. Our neighbors are often more honest about what they really think and feel when they're singing than when they're talking. And so are we."

    With these words, Russell Moore introduces The Cross and the Jukeboxa weekly podcast on roots, music and religion.  The podcast launched today, and in it Dr. Moore will examine how we can see the gospel, or the "almost-gospel" in the lyrics of our music.

    I have on more than one occasion  mentioned Dr. Moore, passing along the breathtakingly sage perspective that he so often applies to the ethical quandaries he often examines in his excellent blog, Moore to the Point.  I have already subscribed to this podcast and look forward to gleaning his wisdom on a weekly basis. I recommend that you click here and do the same.

    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    The Jesus Storybook Bible

    Yesterday I passed on a blog post by Dane Ortlund in which he asked a number of theologians to attempt to share the message of the Bible in a single sentence.  It got me to thinking of how many people (Christians and non-Christians alike) have a  faulty conception of the Bible, considering it merely a book of rules we must follow.  At the same time, others see it as a book of heroes we should emulate.  In her introduction to The Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones offers what is, in my opinion, a quite helpful corrective:
    No, the Bible isn't a book of rules, or a book of heroes.  The Bible is most of all a Story.  It's an adventure story about a young Hero who came from a far country to win back his lost treasure. It’s a love story about a brave Prince who leaves his palace, his throne — everything — to rescue the one he loves. It’s like the most wonderful of fairy tales that have come true in real life!
    You see, the best thing about this story is — it’s true.
    There are lots of stories in the Bible, but all the stories are telling one Big Story. The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them.
    It takes the whole Bible to tell this Story. And at the center of the Story, there is a baby. Every
    story in the Bible whispers his name. He is like the missing piece in a  puzzle — the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together and suddenly you can see a beautiful picture.

    I highly recommend The Jesus Storybook Bible, not only for children, but for adults as well.  I have personally found reading it to be quite devotional in nature.  As I pointed out in  Part 1 of last year's Disney series, I greatly appreciate this idea that the Bible tells the one true Story.  And I especially enjoy the way Lloyd-Jones tells the Old Testament stories in a way that is simple and Christ-exalting, realizing that all of them ultimately point to him.

    If you'd like to check it out, free MP3 and PDF downloads are available at The Jesus Storybook Bible website.

    Wednesday, January 12, 2011

    Reducing the Bible to One Sentence

    Dane Ortlund had a really neat post over at his blog today.  He asked a number of prominent pastors and theologians an interesting question and compiled their answers for our perusal.  The question: "What's the message of the Bible in one sentence?"

    Among the answers I really enjoyed were the following:
    Kevin DeYoung: A holy God sends his righteous Son to die for unrighteous sinners so we can be holy and live happily with God forever.
    George Robertson: The Bible is the record of God's promise of and deliverance through Jesus Christ.
    Jay Sklar: The first sentence that comes to mind is that of my colleague Michael D. Williams, who describes the Bible's story about the world as follows: God made it, we broke it, Jesus fixes it!
    Erik Thoennes: The main message of the Bible is that the one true God is displaying his glory primarily in redeeming and restoring his fallen creation by fulfilling his covenant promises and commands through the glorious person and atoning work of Christ.

    Doug Wilson: Scripture tells us the story of how a Garden is transformed into a Garden City, but only after a dragon had turned that Garden into a howling wilderness, a haunt of owls and jackals, which lasted until an appointed warrior came to slay the dragon, giving up his life in the process, but with his blood effecting the transformation of the wilderness into the Garden City.
    You can read the whole post here.

    Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

    "My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things: That I am a great sinner and that Christ is a great Savior!"

    John Newton, as he approached death

    Monday, January 10, 2011

    A Word for Preachers

    "The preacher is a man who has personally encountered God and from these personal dealings and God's personal call, the preacher speaks to people about this God with whom he has had first-hand experience."

    Zack Eswine, Kindled Fire, page 77.

    Friday, January 7, 2011

    Friday Fun...Brian Regan

    Old favorite Brian Regan on doctors and "pressure situations"...

    Thursday, January 6, 2011

    Max McLean and Mark's Gospel

    Max McLean is a stage actor, a narrator of audio books and the President of Fellowship for the Performing Arts. His stage production of The Screwtape Letters has met with critical acclaim as did his one man show of Mark's Gospel.

    McLean visited Covenant Seminary while I was there, performing a chapter from Mark, and I was mesmerized.  It was one of the most powerful things I'd ever seen.  I've kind of followed him ever since and was pleased to see the other day that the whole production of the Mark's Gospel was available on YouTube. Below are the videos (one chapter each) for you to check out if you so desire.

    (HT: Justin Taylor)

    A Response to Ricky Gervais

    A few weeks back, comedian Ricky Gervais wrote a column for the Wall Street Journal on why he is an atheist.  Yesterday, my friend Dave Cover wrote a response to Ricky Gervais.  It probably won't appear in the Journal, but hey, it got mentioned here.  Somehow I'm guessing Dave's not too excited.

    Dave is Teaching Pastor at The Crossing Church in Columbia, Missouri and a really sharp guy.  I found his post to be very thoughtful and thought-provoking as he points out some of the logical fallacies that Gervais and other atheists often fall into in presenting their arguments.  In the end though, the strength of Dave's argument rests not in his refutation of atheists' beliefs, but in the rationale for his own:
    One big reason I believe in Christianity is that there is convincing historical evidence for a real Jesus who lived, did miracles, was crucified, and rose from the dead. I believe the New Testament is not a book of myth, but of historical fact and truthful teaching on the realities I see everyday in the human condition: that sin is destructive, that human beings have souls, that love is better than hate, that evil is real and good is real, that life has meaning and death is foreign to my created instincts.
    I highly recommend you click here to check it out.

    Wednesday, January 5, 2011

    Is Technology Evil?

    Much has been made of the perils of technology in our age.  Douglas Wilson wisely points out though, that the problem is not the technology, but the way we use it.  Twitter, facebook, and the internet in general certainly can encourage narcissism, laziness and superficiality.  Ultimately, though, they are not the problem and need not be cast as such.  As Wilson puts it, we needn't fear Google making us stupid:
    Don't mistake me. Google does make many of us stupid, but only in the same way that libraries have made us stupid for many centuries. Libraries make a handful of people really wise, and provide many others with artificial props for their footnotes.
    By virtue of the fact that I have a blog and can be found on facebook, you've probably figured out that I agree  that we ought not fear "technology" as an evil.  We need to be aware that technology can be used for evil purposes and guard against that (David Murray has some great thoughts on this), but we need to realize that the problem ultimately isn't the technology.  Wilson puts it this way:
    The constant and ever present temptation in the Church is the gnostic temptation of locating sin in the stuff, sin in the matter, sin in the wealth, sin in the technology . . . instead of locating it where it belongs, in the heart of man.
    A truly "Christian" response to technology is to use that technology (over which Christ is sovereign) to the glory of God...which is exactly the idea behind this blog.  You can read Wilson's whole post here.

    Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

    "From heaven to earth, rather than from earth to heaven, is the flow of movement and energy, the direction of travel that we see in Scripture.  The biblical hope is not one of man going to God.  It is not the story of the ascent of man.  Rather, it is the story of God coming to man, in man’s createdness, redeeming both man and the creation.  In short, the biblical hope is the descent of God."

    Michael D. Williams
    Far As the Curse Is Found, p. 281.

    Tuesday, January 4, 2011

    Virtual Tour of the Sistine Chapel

    Most of us will never get a chance to visit the Sistine Chapel.  You can, however, click here to go on an amazing virtual tour.  After it loads on your computer, use your mouse to change your viewpoint and the controls in the lower left corner to zoom in and out.  I promise, it is well worth your time to check it out.

    (HT: Challies)

    Finding God's Will Conference

    Have you ever had a really tough decision?  A decision you prayed about and agonized over as you sought to determine God's will for your life?  Perhaps you wondered, What do I need to do to be "in the center of God's will?"

    If you've ever found yourself in this type of situation, then let me make the following suggestions:
      Just Do Something: How to Make a Decision Without Dreams, Visions, Fleeces, Open Doors, Random Bible Verses, Casting Lots, Liver Shivers, Writing in the Sky, etc.
    1. If you are in Mid-Michigan, go to the Finding God's Will Conference on January 22 at Riverview Church in Holt, Michigan. Speakers will include Garry Friesen, Kevin DeYoung and Noel Heikkinen, and they will help take some of the mystery out of discerning God's will.
    2. If you can't make the conference, check out Kevin's book, Just Do Something: How to Make a Decision Without Dreams, Visions, Fleeces, Impressions, Open Doors, Random Bible Verses, Casting Lots, Liver Shivers, Writing in the Sky, Etc.  It is a wonderfully helpful work that I have probably shared with more people than any other book.  I can't recommend it highly enough.

    Monday, January 3, 2011

    A Word for Preachers

    "In Christ God loves us, his elect and chosen, before the world began and reserved us unto the knowledge of his Son and of his holy gospel: and when the gospel is preached to us [it] openeth our hearts and giveth us grace to believe, and putteth the spirit of Christ in us: and we know him as our Father most merciful, and consent to the law and love it inwardly in our heart and desire to fulfill it and sorrow because we do not."

    William Tyndale

    Saturday, January 1, 2011

    Top Posts of 2010

    Using a completely unscientific method of analyzing data, soliciting feedback and then completely overriding all of that by injecting my personal preferences, here is a snapshot of my top posts of 2010.
    Marriage: Fifteen Years In - By far my favorite post to write, and easily the post that generated the most positive feedback.

    Who Invited God to the Ballgame? - For some reason this doesn't show up on Sola Gratia's sidebar under "Most Popular Posts" even though it has had the second most "hits" of any post on the blog.

    The Gospel According To Disney Series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 - A fun series to write as I considered some of the lessons I learned during my visit to the Magic Kingdom.

    Advent Series: Hark the Herald Angels Sing (with other links listed in it) - Another fun series that helped me to think about the songs I was singing.