Monday, September 27, 2010

The Grace of God in All of Scripture

I saw a wonderful post yesterday from fellow Covenant Theological Seminary alum Dane Ortlund.  In it he states,
(C)ertain motifs course through the Scripture from start to end, tying the whole thing together into a coherent tapestry--kingdom, temple, people of God, creation/new creation, and so on. Yet underneath and undergirding all of these, it seems to me, is the motif of God's grace, his favor and love to the undeserving. Don't we see the grace of God in every book of the Bible?
He then begins to demonstrate the prominence of grace in each of the Bible's 66 books:
Genesis shows God’s grace to a universally wicked world as he enters into relationship with a sinful family line (Abraham) and promises to bless the world through him.

Exodus shows God’s grace to his enslaved people in bringing them out of Egyptian bondage.

Leviticus shows God’s grace in providing his people with a sacrificial system to atone for their sins...
I recommend that you click here to see the whole list. It truly is an impressive homage to the grace of God.

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