Much has been made of President Obama's religion. In spite of his unwavering self-designation, one recent survey found that only one in three Americans identifies him as a Christian. In light of this fact, I found the video below quite interesting.
In my opinion, there is much that President Obama gets wrong in what he has to say here. In the midst of all of it though, in the thirty seconds from 2:20 to 2:50, he gets one thing (and I might add, the most important thing) quite right. Please leave your comments as I'd love to hear your thoughts.
(Please forgive the short commercial at the beginning of the video. I don't know how to make it disappear.)
Arrogance & Eloquence
17 hours ago
Pete, Thanks for the video. Much food for thought here. I agree that he gets the personal side of salvation right, though I am not sure that his faith in Christ is reflected in his additional comments on social situations and abortion. One thing that came to my mind as I listened is that his public proclamation of his faith does not differ from George Bush 2. Of all the times I saw Bush questioned about his personal faith, I am not sure he was much more clear than Obama. Funny that we had a Presidential Prayer team amongst evangelicals for Bush, but no such group has been formed for Obama.
The last comment was meant to be left not by "anonymous" but by Justin Sembler.
Thanks for checking in, Justin! All your thoughts are spot-on with the ones I had (which probably ought to worry you a little!).
interesting. We do need to pray for our President. Yes, much to think about. Why are my dogs barking at the sound of his voice, when i have the volume at it's very lowest?
If you listen closely he uses the word 'achieve'. We achieve our salvation through grace. Those two things contradict each other as do most of the things Obama says in relationship to Christianity. I recently saw a video clip on the web of him bowing down to a Hindu god & paying homage as is customarily done where he was visiting. The scriptures clearly prohibit such behavior & such things cannot be justified in the name of political correctness. He may say 'Jesus is the Christ' but his life is not patterned after that belief. Many will call Jesus Lord but will be separated with the goats, as lipservice alone won't suffice. These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.
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