Thursday, August 12, 2010

Are You a Good Person?

Are you a good person? I suppose that most of us would instinctively answer, "Yes." After all, we try to be nice to people, help out when we can, and avoid anything we would perceive as a grievous misdeed.

But if we are to even begin to judge our "goodness," the question that is begged is, "Against what standard will we measure it?" Our tendency is to grade on a curve, comparing ourselves to others in the world (and usually to the worst of others at that). But God does not grade on a curve. When it comes to goodness, his standard is perfection. It's pass/fail and we all fail.

I saw this great thought today from Jared Wilson:
"Measure up to us" was the expectation of the Pharisee.

"Measure up to me" is the expectation of God.

Which is harder?

Thank God that in Christ Jesus the harder is done and the easier is worthless.
Indeed, Christ Jesus not only died the death that we should have died, but before that he lived the life we should have lived. That is why God can look upon us and account us as "good." If we are united with Christ through faith, then his righteousness becomes ours. By receiving this goodness that Christ offers, true goodness can truly be ours. But if instead we say, "I'll pass," then we are only destined to fail.

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