Thursday, August 12, 2010

Gospel-Powered Parenting

As summer winds down, the school year is looming very large on the horizon for parents and children alike. For some it is already here. If you are sending your child off to school for the first time, no doubt there is some nervous apprehension not only for the child, but perhaps even more so
on the part of the parents.

Michael Kelley experienced many of these feelings today sending his six-year-old son off to school for the first time. His pain proved to be our gain though, as it led to a great post on one way that the gospel speaks to parenting. In it he writes:
This, I choose to believe, is where the gospel is brought to bear on the first first day of school. We’ve tried our best to prepare Joshua. To teach him about Jesus. To raise him in love and faith. But have we done enough?

Unquestioningly, no. We have not. I have not.

I have not been the perfect father.

I have not been the perfect teacher.

I have not been the perfect example.

But the gospel? Well, the gospel is God making up for what we lack. And in parenting, as in all cases, we lack very, very much. The gospel doesn’t excuse our lack; it assumes our lack. Because of Jesus, in this situation where I can’t do much else, the only avenue left for me is to believe.

Which ironically, is where I should have started to begin with.
Read the whole thing here.

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