Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to Encourage Your Kid to Leave the Church

I read a great blog post today by Scott Linscott addressing the fact that so many young adults are leaving the Church.  In it he offers the following suggestions for those who want to do all they can to make sure their kids join the ranks of those who are apathetic about faith:
  1. Put academic pursuits above faith-building activities.
  2. Chase the gold ball first and foremost.
  3. Teach your kid that the dollar is almighty.
  4. Refuse to acknowledge that the primary motivating force in kids’ lives is relationship.
  5. Model apathy in your own life.
There are subpoints beneath some of these and a whole lot of good explanation on them all.  If you're a parent, I'd encourage you to check out his whole post here.

(HT: Craig Dunham)

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