The Seventh Annual Mid-Michigan Conference on Reformed Theology is scheduled for October 30, beginning at 10 am. This one day conference is held by the congregation I serve, Calvary Presbyterian Church in Flint, Michigan. We are extremely pleased to announce that our speakers this year are Dr. Joel Beeke and his fellow professor at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Dr. David Murray.
The theme of this year's conference is "Reformation Family Living in the 21st Century." In his two talks, Dr. Beeke will address The Puritan View of Marriage and The Puritan View of Child Rearing. Dr. Murray's talks will focus on What John Knox Would Say to Our Families Today and God's Technology in Our Famililes. The day will be capped off with a Q&A time with both men.
The cost is extremely reasonable with an early registration fee (before October 15) of $12 per person with children living at home attending for free. There will be a hot lunch served at the church for an additional $5 per person which promises not only to be delicious, but will serve as a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with other conference attendees.
Click here to get a brochure, and feel free to send me an email with any questions you might have at Pete@CalvaryPresbyterianChurch.com.
This looks really good. I hope that it is well-attended and profitable for all.
Thanks, Mike!
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