Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Fun...Now THAT'S A Speed Trap

When I was growing up in Webster Groves, Missouri, there was a police officer in the next little town over named Ron Zeigler.  Just about everybody knew Officer Zeigler because just about everybody had had the "pleasure" of meeting him somewhere not too far from the corner of Manchester and McKnight Roads.

During his distinguished 38 year career, Officer Zeigler wrote over 150,000 speeding tickets.  In recent years he averaged about  26 per day but he once wrote a legendary total of 52 in a four hour period.

A little over a year ago I heard that Officer Zeigler had retired from the speed trap business.  When I saw the video below though, it made me wonder if he had just traded in his motorcycle for a helicopter and moved to Georgia.

(HT: Kevin DeYoung)

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