Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Was Just Wondering…

I’d like to get a better feel for the people who are following Sola Gratia regularly.  If you are one such person, I’d like to ask you to consider doing me a favor.  Would you either leave a comment below or send me an email either at or at my regular email address telling me the following items:

  1. Who are you?
  2. Do you subscribe to Sola Gratia through a blog reader, follow it through the facebook page that is set up,  simply come to the site regularly to check it out, or follow it through some other means?
  3. How did you become aware of Sola Gratia?
  4. What do you enjoy most about the blog?
  5. What do you wish was different/better about the blog?
If you send an email, I assure you that I will not share any of your info (name, email, etc.) with anyone.  I'm just curious and hope that I can get a better feel for who is following the blog, and in so doing, do a better job of making it more enjoyable for those people.

Thanks so much for your help!

1 comment:

jbboren said...

1. Who are you?
>Dr J B Boren

2. Do you subscribe to Sola Gratia through a blog reader, follow it through the facebook page that is set up, simply come to the site regularly to check it out, or follow it through some other means?
>I use Google Reader

3. How did you become aware of Sola Gratia?
>It was linked from another blog (but I don't recall which one)

4. What do you enjoy most about the blog?
>General tastefulness of your writing; reformed perspective; topics of interest to me; diversity of background (you are in MI, I'm in TX; you are Presbyterian, I'm S. Baptist; you love the Cardinals, I love the Cardinals (ok, so we have one thing in common!)

5. What do you wish was different/better about the blog?
>nothing, really...I just enjoy getting to know people a bit now so introductions won't take so long in heaven...