Martin Luther
Do you notice how Peter paints such a stunning picture showing the contrast between human assessment of Jesus and God's assessment of Jesus? There will always be what men and women think about Christ, and then there is what God says about Christ:
You thought he was a false prophet, Peter says, but according to Moses he was THE Prophet.
You spoke against him, but Samuel spoke of him.
You said his father was the devil, God said he would be the son of father Abraham.
You had no ears to hear the gospel, but the Lord said you should listen to whatever he says.
You considered him a blasphemer but he was the Holy One of Israel.
You treated him wickedly, but he was the Righteous One of God
You gave life to a murderer, and you murdered the Author of Life.
You handed him over to die, God raised him up from the dead.
You denied him before Pilate, God glorified him in heaven
The One you delivered to the Romans, God has made your Deliverer.
And the One you would not save, God sent to be your Savior.
Have you ever known a man like this? Has there ever been such a gulf between what a people thought of someone and what he actually was? And can you hear this Savior speaking to you?
Some of you have been sort of checking out the church, sort of checking out Christianity or you've been sort of sleep-walking through your faith for twenty years, and yet you know God has been saying something to you. And if you hear the voice of the Good Shepherd this morning, do not harden your hearts. You have never met a Savior like this and you have need of a Savior like this. And if he is calling, you would do well to heed his call.
I would urge you to prepare your minds continually for heavenly things by meditating seriously on the glory of the love of Christ. This cannot be done if the mind is always full of earthly thoughts. Do not be satisfied with general thoughts of the love of Christ but think of it in a more detailed way.
- Consider whose love it is: the love of the Son of God who is also the Son of Man. As he is unique, so his love must be unique.
- Think of the wisdom, goodness and grace shown in the eternal acts of his divine nature and of the pity an love of his human nature in all that he did and suffered for us (see Ephesians 3:19; Hebrews 2:14, 15; Revelation 1:5).
- We deserved hatred, but, "in this is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins" (John 4:10).
- What power this love has in its effect on our lives, enabling us to bear fruit to his glory.
The incomplete-wrong distinction opens up new possibilities for engaging songs that seemed to be ruled out before. It becomes more about weight and balance within a whole service (or within a whole series of services). This distinction also allows us to assume a more humble posture with our brothers and sisters from traditions which differ from ours (and God knows we could use more humility!) without compromising on what we feel is solid, biblical truth. It seizes on 1 Corinthians 13's encouragement that, within the body of Christ, "love hopes all things." So before you dismiss a song outright because you believe it's "wrong" (which it still might be), stop and ask yourself if this song wouldn't be more "right" when given its full doxological context.Click here to read the whole post, and if you are involved in the planning of worship services, I strongly recommend that you to regularly visit Zac's blog.
Moms, Jesus wants you to chill out about being a mom. You don’t have to make homemade bread to be a faithful mom. You don’t have to sew you children’s clothing to be a faithful mom. You don’t have to coupon, buy all organic produce, keep a journal, scrapbook, plant a garden, or make your own babyfood to be a faithful mom. There’s nothing wrong with these things, but they’re also not in your biblical job description.Altrogge goes on to present what that job description is:
"Characteristically as Christians, we either fall down on the side of legalism or we fall down on the side of antinomianism. And we've often thought the way to solve legalism is to just have a little touch of antinomianism. Or the way to solve antinomianism is you need more law, whereas when Paul deals with both of those pastoral problems he deals with them essentially in the same way: by pointing us to the grace of God that is in Jesus Christ."
Frankly, we should be more concerned about the loss of a Christian majority in the Protestant churches than about the loss of a Protestant majority in the United States.and,
The American Protestant majority is is over and to that I say, “good riddance.” Now let’s pray for something new-like a global Christian majority, on earth as it is in heaven.Click here and read the post in its entirety to find out the reasons for these comments.
Hello, today October 9, 2012 is the six year anniversary of the accident in which I lost the lower part of my left leg. I wanted to let you know I am doing great, I even played in a real baseball league this year:) I am very glad I survived the accident and have been able to enjoy some great experiences and got know some new people the last 6 years.
A while ago I ran across an article about some of our brave troops in Iraq who have also lost limbs in the war. One of their inspirational observations that hit home with me was that they very well could have died the day they lost their limbs. They choose to call that day their "Alive Day". Like them I could have easily been killed or worse my children could have died that day.
So please join me in celebrating my "Alive Day". Please no presents. All I ask is that you reflect on the good things you have in your life and be thankful for your health and the friendship and caring of good people like you. Thank you again for being a part of our lives.
It’s not rhetoric I want in my candidate, or invented lives and embellished pasts, faux images and focus-group-tailored soundbites. I want to elect a free man, someone who stands flat-footed and leans into the cross-current of moral drift with conviction and courage. If he’s out there, he has my vote. And if a two-party system denies a righteous man opportunity to stand for justice then the system itself is the evil we need to oppose.You can read today's entire post by clicking here. I'd love to hear your feedback on this topic.