Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Desiring God Pastors' Conference Audio

One of the great blessings of living in the 21st century is the vast array of wonderful biblical teachers alive today. Another one of the great blessings is the fact that with the advent of the internet, much of this great teaching is readily available to us at any given time.

This week, Desiring God Ministries held their annual pastors' conference, and while I was not able to attend, I am able to listen to each one of the messages, as DG has made them available online.  I've already commented briefly on Francis Chan's message which I took in Tuesday.  The Speaker Panel Q&A was good throughout, with moments of brutal honesty and profound brilliance.  I look forward to hearing the rest of the messages.  Here are the links to them all:
Session One: Joel Beeke, "Cultivating Private Prayer as a Pastor"
Session Two: Paul Miller, "Helping Your People Discover the Praying Life"
Session Three: Francis Chan, "Prayer as a Way of Walking in Love: A Personal Journey"
Session Four: John Piper, "Robert Murray M'Cheyne"
Session Five: Joel Beeke, "Leading Family Worship"
Session Six: Jerry Rankin, "Unreached Peoples and the Power of Prayer"
Session Seven: Speaker Panel Q and A

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