Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom...Thomas Watson on How Faith is Wrought

How is faith wrought?

By the blessed Spirit; who is called the "Spirit of grace," because he is the spring of all grace (Zech 12:10). Faith is the chief work which the Spirit of God works in a man's heart. In making the world God did but speak a word—but in working faith he puts forth his arm (Luke 1:51). The Spirit's working faith is called, "The exceeding greatness of God's power" (Eph 1:19). What a power was put forth in raising Christ from the grave when such a tombstone lay upon him as the sins of all the world—yet he was raised up by the Spirit. The same power is put forth by the Spirit of God, in working faith. The Spirit irradiates the mind, and subdues the will. The will is like a garrison, which holds out against God: the Spirit with sweet violence conquers, or rather changes it; making the sinner willing to have Christ upon any terms; to be ruled by him as well as saved by him.

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